Domi: “In Naples to seek breakthrough, We worked so hard to overcome our limitations”

“Two resources” to lighten “a bitter sun”. Tose The Rossoblu are preparing to face the ultimate test of a first term as alternate votes, with the awareness of having to return to surprise the whole class – alias, rival teams of Cadets – offering a performance pivoted on rigorous study and maximum application against the Naples, one of “swot” more prepared for this first part of the school year.

Corroborated by very good perfomance offer home last Sunday against Riozzese, the team led by Mr. Diego Bortoluzzi is more than ever a caccia di un risultato pieno, per scacciare definitivamente le fosche nubi addensatesi negli due mesi di ramadan dai 3 points. La sgargiante rinascita dei colori della Mafalda non può ovviamente prescindere dalla claw, quality and pragmatism offered by sentries crucial in midfield, red zone nella quale spicca il crescente contributo della pugnace ed elegante nuova ten Red Blue Greis Domi. Sentiamo proprio da lei che aria si respira nella changing room delle Tose alle porte della lunghissima trasferta alle pendici della terra partenopea.

Against Riozzese, while not taking the episode solver, you expressed a game and a fighting spirit that bode well ahead of the second round and a speedy recovery under the profile of the results for long stretches.

Cercare dei perché per quanto di negativo avvenuto in questi ultimi due mesi lascia il tempo che trova, football is very unpredictable and demonstrating we are giving it the ranking that results every Sunday. In particular, contro the Riozzese, we entered the field with the desire to show what we were missing for some time, or a continuity for all 90′ under the physical and mental profile. And if on the one hand, Unfortunately, we could not bring home the three points, on the other hand we are happy approach with which we faced the game. In queste ultime due, three weeks we have faced together the problems that there may have been of approach and game, e piano piano stiamo riuscendo a ritrovare e ricostruire quei pezzi che sembravano perduti.

In bell earth you will face a Napoli wounded from the first defeat of the season and the temporary transfer of the throne cadet to San Marino.

The stop for Napoli last Sunday in Ravenna is the best demonstration of the leveling of values ​​in the league. For their part surely will do anything to be able to bring home the 3 points, but of course we will face the same maximum commitment of our ability to try the place, Also under the mental profile, that all hope. This week we have prepared the game better and we will try to implement their work. Mi aspetto una partita combattuta da entrambi le parti.

Your centrality in rossoblù project appears constantly growing Sunday after Sunday. How are you living this life experience and sports in the heart of the City of Victory?

Vittorio Veneto I am finding it very well, I immediately received great warmth and empathy is from the company that my teammates. Sono contenta del mio minutaggio e sto cercando di dare il mio contributo al meglio possibile per perseguire in primis gli obiettivi e le ambizioni societarie. On my part, auspico di poter ancora migliorarmi e di riuscire a dimostrare tutto il mio valore nel cuore dei meccanismi della nostra squadra.

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