Vittorio Veneto – Vicenza

Vittorio Veneto 1 - 0 Vicenza
03 Mar 2019 - 14:30Stadium Paolo Barison


Hello derby, my old friendThe sincopatissimo beat downtempo di una sfidastracittadina”, in this case extremely dilating normal semiotic-geographical boundaries of the term, It is now well-known rhythm and tested in playlist Tose of sports, in this intense, lively season in the Third Series of the Italian women's football. Dal triplo confrontotra Campionato e Coppa Italia, con alterne fortunecontro le rivali di sempre Padova e Venezia, the second act against seasonal Vicenza – valid for the 16a Day, fifth of the second round, del Gruppo Ble rossoblù di mister Fabio Toffolo hanno acquisito la consapevolezza di come le mere dinamiche di classifica contino ben poco, al cospetto di avversarie sospinte da quel coefficiente di extra claw that often only the singular combats between neighboring regions can give.

Anche e soprattutto per domare al meglio un’avversaria insidiosanonostante il terzultimo posto sancito dalla graduatoria del girone – the manager Friuli in command of the legion of honor confirms rossoblù, the third consecutive Sunday between the Barison regular season and trophy category, the classic 4-2-3-1 operating a single variation with respect to Starting XI the victorious quarter final first leg against Campomorone seven days before. before Her Undefeatness Giulia Reginato, with the starlet defensive Michela Martinelli still forced to box le responsabilità al centro della retroguardia sono tutte per il duopolio Jade Tomasi-Captain Francesca Da Ros, supported by Karin Mantoani and Monica Furlan on their, traditional defensive Out of competence. In the middle of the field, alongside the indomitable Laura Tommasella, You can not miss a Valentina Foltran in a state of grace in the latest releases, with Vanessa Stefanelloal rientro dal 1′ – a giostrare tra i reparti e Natasha Piai and Giovanna Coghetto a premere sulle fasce in supporto dell’arietedi natura e di zodiacoAdriana De Martin. Arranged in a field in an almost mirror the hosts, le biancorosse beriche guidate da mister Cristian Dori possono contare dal canto loro su un interessante mix old&young, between the new entry the transfer market Elena Perobelloex Cittadella in Serie B – the jolly the median Sofia Fortuna and Stella Maddalena e il giovanissimo terminale offensivo, class 2003, Asia Gobbato.

At the behest of Mr. Luca Valsecchi of Lecco, la contesa della domenica di carnevale si sviluppa senza troppe chiacchiereper i crostoli ci sarà spazio nel terzo tempocon entrambe le compagini impegnate a rodare i propri plot offensive in the very early stages of the match. The first pitch to the mirror, for lovers of statistics from Goalshouter, It is vittoriese brand after about 240 seconds of the game: Foltran cerca l’esecuzione dal limite, De Martin intercepts the ball and the companion, turning, attempt to finish the fly, without finding power and precision necessary to create havoc at the goalkeeper Bianchi. 4 minutes after the first jolt Vicenza arrives on stationary ball, con la botta di Maddalena su free kick gives 30 meters high not a great deal with respect to the upright of the door manned by Ciuki Reginato. The Permac try to assert their most technical caliber and physical, to the quarter of an hour bucking ball and chain for over 40 m Karin Mantoani leaves the audience breathless Barison: the conclusion of the number 28 Red Blue, nearly, non disegna lhappy ending of a break Staff in each case to be framed. The first fraction flowing abundantly on not particularly high rhythms, with Tose quite at ease in the management of the meeting, but for long stretches little dangerous in the pericardium of the red and white of rigor. For their part, The guests show their defensive growth compared to single combat of the first round, not forgetting some insidious pungolatura in hot areas of the rearguard vittoriese. At the half an hour exact, The Rossoblu try to get back to be felt by the parties of the number 1 Vicenza Bianchi, attentive with a good reflection of the attempt to defuse slipped in Coghetto, After the excellent work of Adri De Martin on the right side of the visitors' penalty. At the minute 33 the Berici lost to injury the tip Gobbato, forced to leave the field after having supported hurt his ankle following a normal contrast game. L’highlight final for the first time is the first real jolt built in match from bomber Born house of Permac Piai, a brave attempted lob from long distance in an attempt to surprise Bianchi intended to go out more than a couple of meters to the left of the door mirror of Vicenza. All’intervallo il risultato conferma dunque la più classica delleparità ad occhialiof contention early.

The second half started with an immediate news from rossoblù: Margherita Zanon inherits the tile on the right wing of Giovanna Coghetto, for groped to decrypt with the greater dynamism lock code imposed the careful rearguard to the orders of Cristian Dori. Already in the first few laps clock, in effect, vittoriese the maneuver appears more enveloping, with MZ11 He solicited often by her companions in battles one on one against the grim Elena Perobello. Just a corner, conquered vehemently from the wing padovana after a contrast with the most direct opponent, It comes the point of Permac advantage per minute 54: Stefanello, from right, draws a parabola curved toward the center of the area on which, rapacissima, pounces Jade Tomasi, la cui deviazione carambola sul corpo del capitano biancorosso Aurora Missiaggia before ending its run dell'incolpevole shoulders Paola Bianchi. With the blessing of good luck, to Tose unlock a game insidious, temporally albeit still far from reaching its normal conclusion. Also because the Vicenza, without too many weapons with moving ball, on a set piece is confirmed by the remarkable team pedigree and 64′ solo un miracoloda stropicciarsi gli occhi e leccarsi le vibrisse – of Giulia Reginato prevents the central Sofia Fortuna running from poisonous 20 meters to squeeze into the network under the crossbar of the front door. Absorbed the thrill, Tose try to go with the more profit forward in an attempt to substantiate the size of the score. Born Piai, fasting for three matches, try to procure the personal joy at the turn of the 70′ and the 75′, ma il doppio tentativo veleggia in entrambi i casi – albeit not much – alla sinistra dell’estremo difensore vicentino. the number 9 Red Blue, served by an interesting Stefanello's cross from the right, potrebbe convertire in oro ilbuona alla terza” to the 78′, but the steering wheel imperfect coordination does not bring the desired results, despite the short distance from the mirror host port. With the now tired teams, the last highlights Sundays on gasps from Vicenza shape seemingly interesting: il destro di Pomi al limite all85′ It is well built but not as perfected, l’esecuzione di Fortuna all87′ from the same tile opportunity half-time this time does not turn on the reflexes of Reginato, which can easily control the sphere in less than two times.

It ends up, with a Permac also able to dispose of toxins Italian Cup and continue their unbeaten streak across the two competitions, despite not playing particularly incisive being offensive concretization. The feat continued, con alle porte la sfida da brividi e cuori alpini sul campo dellUnterland Women, on a traditionally difficult pitch against a team with remarkable physical and technical qualities. Alltogether: Now more than ever the foundations of a dream built on mountain slopes.

Paolo Pappagallo

VITTORIO VENETO – VICENZA 1-0 (54or. Missiaggia)

VITTORIO VENETO: Reginato, Piai, Foltran, De Martin, Tomasi, Furlan, Da Ros, Tommasella, Stefanello (88’ Zanella), Who would like to, Coghetto (46’ Zanon) (A disp: the Ronch, When, Mella, Padovan, Modolo). All: Toffolo

VICENZA: Bianchi, Lazzari (70'Balestro), Perobello, Missiaggia, Frighetto, Rigon, Fortuna, Maddalena, Stocchero (70'Pegoraro), Dal Bianco, Gobbato (37'trees) (81'Cute). (A disp: from the Street). All: Like

Referee: Luca Valsecchi of Lecco
AA1: Morten Giorgio di Conegliano
AA2: Nicola De Poli Conegliano