Youth sector: The last three teams in the field

A weekend to finally complete the ranks of the youth sector of Permac, with all three teams involved in their respective leagues. The Spring It is called to redeem at Chievo Fortitudo Women insult defeat to Cittadella. L’Under 17 sarà impegnata in casa contro la S.P.A.L., team as the Rossoblu is at stake 3 points after 4 train station. The Debutant allenate da Natasha Piai faranno da apripista del fine settimana rossoblù, sfidando i pari età del Cordignano in trasferta.

Queste le parole del Mister delle Cadet, Dario De Biasi “That was a challenging championship we knew, as well as to find teams that have talented items. We have to prove every time, in every race, who we want to be. Sport in general always gives the chance for redemption, for us each race, It will be a new race.”

Chievo vs Fortitudo Women Permac Vittorio Veneto
Sunday 3 November hours 14.30
Verona VR

Under 17
Permac Vittorio Veneto vs S.P.A.L.
Saturday 2 November hours 17.30
Revine Lago TV

Cordignano Football vs Permac Vittorio Veneto
Saturday 2 November hours 15.30
Cordignano TV

For those who could not cheer the young red and blue from the stands, updates on the progress of the match will be available on the company's social channels Facebook and Instagram


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