De Martin: “Pescara serve as a lesson, resume strength and awareness

In the second most prolific attack in the league, the rossoblu, to only one network (28 against 27) precisely by the Pro San Bonifacio, stands out the signing of the historic-Bomber Engineer Permac home. Adriana De Martin, historic heart rossoblu, dopo un inizio di stagione al servizio del collettivo ha sbloccato il proprio score staff in this November, realizing a markings tris respectively against Brixen, Castelvecchio and Pescara. Alla vigilia di un match dal notevole peso specifico e alla ricerca di un pronto riscatto dopo il blackout Last Sunday in the second half against Pescara, we hear from Bomber Fregona like Tose are preparing to face the tricky trip to San Bonifacio.

How do you explain, and how you are metabolized week, false step means home against Pescara?

To describe the game last Sunday there is only an adverb: male. Nel secondo tempo abbiamo subito i due gol della rimonta, ma abbiamo sbagliato l’approccio alla partita fin dall’inizio. In settimana abbiamo lavorato, with the right concentration and motivation. Games like the one against Pescara not be forgotten, but should remain well in head to always maintain a high level of concentration and avoid making the same mistakes again.

Tomorrow against Pro awaits a high ranking match, rich in stimuli and motivation “extra” long-term.

Tomorrow in San Bonifacio we will find a very strong team and definitely motivated. Surely, in dealing with certain games, motivation is naturally high. We can still make the mistake of underestimating her opponent, whatever it is, always keeping in mind what are our values ​​and our potential.

In recent games you've unlocked in front of goal and, in general, Permac the year often marks and much. What do you think of the offensive department and how do you rate this your start to the season?

This year, fortunately we have a choice of very wide attackers. We're finding the right tune in playing together and we hope not only to continue like this for the whole year, ma di migliorare con lo scorrere della stagione. Purtroppo l’infortunio ad inizio campionato mi ha fatto perdere alcune settimane e ha rallentato un poil raggiungimento di una buona condizione fisica. Adesso mi sento abbastanza bene e sono pronta a dare il massimo per raggiungere il nostro obiettivo, Team and company.

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