Friendly First Team vs Junior: Red wins over blue

Una soleggiata domenica settembrina ha fatto da scenario alla sfida in famiglia tra la Prima Squadra di Mister Toffolo e la Juniores di Mister Tommasella.

Between the need to try different solutions in the field and give playing time to all players, the two rossoblu technicians decided to shuffle the pieces in the field, also drawing from Cadet.

The Tose start with the usual form, with the sole Trevino as “quota”, while Tosette schierano Furlan al centro della difesa e Foltran a centrocampo. Reginato defends the door blu (junior) and Facchin Allieve of the door rossa (First team). Until the refreshment break for the heat occurred per minute 23, the game offered by the two formations is sterile, with more concrete Juniors, because they manage to arrive from parts of Facchin with Mella in '14 and '18 to Sovilla. Al ’29 le Juniores passano in vantaggio con Mella which finds a free channel on the right wing, into the area and download a right that can be slipped in the opposite corner, where nothing can Facchin. Good ideas of the midfield of the first team are not properly collected by the attack senior. At half time we test before De Martin, with Reginato parade, then Stefanello with a shot that turns off high over the crossbar, closing a nice triangulation Trevino.

After the swirl of change, Piai is accented central defense and De Val second striker alongside Trevino, la squadra di Mister Toffolo prende le redini del gioco. In '56 equalized con una bella rete al volo di De Martin su cross di Mantoani. 3'After he Val De head che porta la Prima Squadra in vantaggio, taking advantage of a mess of blue in defense. Reginato stands out with a plastic parade on De Val and ADM16 shooting little touches after the pole, stealing the ball to the defense. After the break, out Coghetto, Martinis, Padovan and Sovilla (going to play with red instead of Trevino), and enter Bigaran, Gava V., Canzi and Hen. At the '73 it is still De Val to stow in scivolata su cross basso di Mantoani e, After an occasion happened on the head of Martinelli, ecco la Bomber goals from De Martin to '78, with a nice diagonal to the far post, of perfect Stefanello suggestion. There is time for a conclusion by 20 meters Carlotta Gava, that goes off in the gloves of Ciuki Reginato. L’unica occasione di rilievo per le Juniores capita sui piedi di Bigrn, ma la parabola si impenna quel tanto da facilitare l’intervento di Facchin.

great broth, a lot of running and one heart rossoblu.

In the evening came the news of the victory of FC Female to Venice 2-0 against Padova Calcio Femminile, next opponent of Tose in triangular Couple Italian Serie C, scheduled for Sunday 23 September in Padua.

('29 Mella, '56 '78 De Martin, '59 '73 De Val)

First Team 1st time: Facchin, Padovan, Val, Who would like to, Martinelli, Tommasella, Zanella, Stefanello, De Martin, Trevino, Piai
1 ^ time Junior: Reginato, Gava V., Gava C., Martinis, Furlan, Foltran, Signs, Wain, Mella, Coghetto, Sovilla

First Team 2nd time: Facchin, Gava C., Piai, Martinelli, Who would like to, Zanella, Stefanello, Foltran, De Martin, Trevino (Sovilla), Val.
2 ^ time Junior: Reginato, Fattorel, Martinis (Chicken), Furlan, Padovan (Gava V.), BROVEDANI, Pizzolato, Gallon, Coghetto (Bigrn), Sovilla (Canzi), Mella

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