From tomorrow the Tose land on La Tenda TV

Tomorrow at 21 all tuned La Tenda TV, channel 110 The 112 terrestrial digitale (only in the town of Vittorio Veneto) e in live streaming su internet, part of the new program “Tose Bring It“.

So off tomorrow's new adventure, the small screen, Rossoblu for girls who will be present in the studio together with conductor Stefano Modolo and the attendant press rossoblu Leonardo Segat.

You can see goals and interviews of the past month, guests will deepen with some major issues, speaking also of the youth.

In the first episode will be present: mister Fattorel, DG Bolzan, Adriana De Martin e Sara Mella.

If you can not connect do not worry, the episode will be available on-demand on the following day, in the issuer's website vittoriese.

If you have questions for the girls, in the next episodes, write us on WhatsApp: 3711760652

Some pictures from backstage last night:

IMG_3014 IMG_3021IMG_3015

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