Debutant, He reaches the goal against San Fior

The San Fior part immediately carefully, making himself dangerous in most circumstances. Mafaldine But do not give up and went ahead. You Evita Ghirardo the first goal of the season: developments of a corner of a scrum the winning move is the number 9 rossoblu. The girls take so trust and create scoring chances again greedy, the sharper is to Marin, However, the conclusion of which the post. At the end of the first half comes the balance and thus ends 1-1.

The recovery is a photocopy of the first period, guests start fourth and go straight ahead. The girls, however, did not lose their heads and trying repeatedly draw. The speed, physicality and some defensive lapses make the time go Score 4-0.

In the third, and last period of the race, girls lose some 'rhythm on race shots of guests, but he managed to restrain and curb attacks opponents. Marin is also landed in the area a few minutes from the end. She is in charge of the bar, that went just to the stars. It ends up the score 0-1 the third time.

In the end to play all summoned, the two coach have agreed to continue the race of others 20 minutes, this time across the board, 11 vs 11. Camilla Marin in this period draws the error from the spot, scoring with a shot from distance. Then it ends the day with the usual race to the grandstand and the photo of the twinning between the two teams.

Permac Vittorio Veneto 1-3 San Fior

1tp 1-1 | 2tp 0-4 | 3tp 0-1

Formation: 1 Ilaria Zandegiacomi, 2 Mariamne Sanè, 3 Irene Salvador, 4 Giorgia Girolin, 5 Gaia Chies, 6 Silvia Saccon, 7 Angela Tolot, 8 Clear Fabris (C), 9 Avoid Ghirardo, 10 Camilla Marin, 11 Vanessa Dal Mas (VC), 12 Chiara Salvador, 13 Lara Mijatovic, 14 Asia De Conti.

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