Very young “from Serie A” Sergio Fattorel and Paolo Simonaggio

They are also describing the technical staff of the youth sector Rossoblu.

Quest'anno Quarry, the numbers will have to deploy all the youth teams at the start of the new season (Small Friends, Debutant, Very young and Spring).
Large companies satisfaction, in proposing the very young at the starting line, but mostly because they drive them there will be a technical Serie A. The 'leader’ Sergio Fattorel, who led the cavalcade of historical Tose Olympus of history Rossoblu (promotion and participation at the highest National Championship) He has decided to put his boots at the foot (and the whistle around his neck), to marry again 'project-future’ of Tosette. Resisting numerous requests to return to coach in the men, Sergio has once again chosen with the heart, diving with all the love he has for this company to start a new path, with a very young group (with all respect individuality), to try to shape the new future Tose.

At his side, as a technical assistant will be Paolo Simonaggio, un grandissimo del calcio regionale. Technically among the best they have ever trod the fields in the area (we remember in a special way in series D in Conegliano and San Polo). Ready and excited to make available to Sergio and his young athletes, all his experience (and quality), professional and human.
A combination of gold so, two authentic football masters, additional mortgage on growth goodness and development of youth Rossoblu.


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