The bluish asphalt Moldova

Starts in the best way on the path towards European Under-19 of blue coached by Enrico CT Sbarra, They can celebrate with a round debut victory on the new bench. 9-0 Moldova, ten from 43′ minute, after espusione goalkeeper. In Dual Shot outnumbered for guests, that close the game in nine, favoring goleada blue. Now expects Cyprus.

To highlight: hat-trick for the striker Rapid Lugano: Valentina Bergamaschi and goals for Roma midfielder Res: Flaminia Simonetti.

For our bluish Sara Mella only bench today, but she did get her comment, exclusive, Race:”I am very calm even if I did not play. The match was one-sided from the start, the two expulsions, however, have favored the roundness of the result. In this first race we tried to find the controls for the continuation of the qualifying and I think we succeeded. We are happy with the result, but the head is already in the next game”.

Italy 9-0 Moldavia
10′ Marinelli, 18′ 51′ 68′ 90′ Bergamaschi, 24′ 50′ rig Simonetti, 36′ Vigilucci, 70′ Piedmont

Italy: During, Vergani (54′ Writing), Boattin, Cavicchia, Tortelli, Bergamaschi, Simonetti, Marinelli (71′ Mascarello), Vigilucci (63′ Mellano), Peressotti, Piedmont. Available: Toniolo, Mella, Abati, Serturini. All. Sbardella

Moldavia: Panova, Arnautu, Rusu, Sivolobova (43′ Babinetcaia), Grigoreac, Chereshnitsa, Lame (46′ Furculitsa), Sow (65′ Olteanu), Loghin, Myth, Mereuta. Available: Cilcitchi, Cotruta, Ungur, Surdu. All. Sirbu.

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