Mella: “They fit, We are ready to prove that we are worth the top spot”

“Junior” a chi? There is no word that can summarize pragmatically the best season so far held by the class 2002 Ilaria Mella if not one, even three: bomber without borders (master data class). Already at stake 27 networks in 12 appearances with the coat of Under rossoblù coach Laura Tommasella, the wriggling rossoblù offensive wildcard found in 2019 the raw marks Also in the uniform of the glorious First Team, putting his name on the scoresheet in the match of the home games against Oristano and Fiammamonza. Even when not to sign, the number 6 Rossoblu has often been used by coach Fabio Toffolo as a starter or a game in progress to give dynamism and speed to the team between the midfield and the more purely offensive boards. An important commitment and also appreciated by the demanding public of Barison, arrived to elect her among the darlings of the new course Permac.

Sentiamo proprio dalla sua viva voce il mood nello spogliatoio delle Tose, dall'insidiosissima a few hours away in the field of’Unterland Women, team currently in great shape and already capable of hurting the Permac both in the first leg in the league – won two-goal but not without difficulty – sia nel primo turno ad eliminazione diretta di Coppa Italia – success achieved in the second overtime thanks to a penalty realized by Laura Tommasella.

On Sunday against Vicenza arrived others 3 points far from trivial, after a non-spectacular performance but extremely pragmatic, con un solo ma importante rischio corso in tutti i 90′.

Against Vicenza we played well, headed, determination and desire to bring home the full post against a very tricky opponent, despite the apparent differences of ranking. We did not build very much, but with the right determination we managed to find the goal by 3 points, then suffering solely on a well-executed free kick by 30 meters. Certainly there are areas for improvement and to work together, but what counted most and counts at the moment is to continue to pave our path of positive results, which for us can be nothing but victories.

The big match against Unterland inaugurated a mini tour de force, that will see you on the field for other 2 games in the next 7 days: Wednesday return of quarters in Genoa Cup, next Sunday league to Barison against Como.

Clearly we can not help but think of a game at a time, starting from the commitment on the ground in South Tyrol. Contro una squadra reduce da otto vittorie consecutive non può che aspettarci una partita estremamente insidiosa, bristly and delicate. They are in the form, but we are not and we will not be outdone and we want to prove we deserve the top spot and still be in the running for all the seasonal objectives. After Unterland begin to think again even at the Italian Cup, other competition in which we want to give my best and get to the bottom giocarcela.

30 reti stagionali tra Juniores e Prima Squadra sono un ottimo bottino: come valuti, a personal level, il tuo percorso stagionale sino a qui?

Questa annata sino a qui non posso che valutarla, a personal level, più che positivamente: non solo per i gol, ma anche perché sto avendo l’opportunità di crescere molto di settimana in settimana grazie al lavoro costante con le ragazze della Prima Squadra. Non dimentico ovviamente le mie compagne delle Juniores, insieme alle quali spero di poter continuare a costruire ottimi risultati, ma spero di poter dare sempre di più il mio contributo tra le “Senior” per poter raggiungere tutto ciò che è stato prefissato dal gruppo di lavoro ad inizio stagione.

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