Resume workouts, Saturday comes S.Zaccaria

After a day of rest, girls led by coach Fattorel are back to work, ahead of Saturday's home game against the San Zaccaria. Yesterday it held the first session of strength, today at 19:30 San Fior girls will meet for the second. Finishing instead is set for Thursday.

After the first win of the season, torn in Turin, the Tose Saturday will take the field, the walls between friends, at 14:30, in front of us will be the S.Zaccaria (6 rating points).

To continue the positive, and rack up their first points in the fort called Barison, we need to see a stadium sold out, So if you're Vittorio Veneto … Come support Tose. Invite family and friends, toast the end with bubbles of Prosecco, with the girls, at the bar of the stadium.

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