The DG Bolzan replied to the letter of Mr. Buccolo

The paths of life are unpredictable (or foreseeable), and facts of departures and arrivals.
Sometimes the departures can be painful, but they still leave constructive experiences. Travel then, they hide unknowns but always offer new stimuli and knowledge.

It was a great pleasure to collaborate with a great person (as well as exemplary professional); it was a great pleasure to share ideas, projects, sensations with Domenico. Person who has always placed the interest of the individual first, the common good, fully embracing the shared project (caratteristica questa indispensabile per far parte di un gruppo di lavoro o “family”).

It is a sad departure. Farewell (goodbye) of a child who leaves home and family, to study elsewhere and conquer the world; with dad, mom and brothers to cry secretly (not to be seen), but happy for his new path of personal and professional growth.

Albeit with extreme bitterness, I immediately shared and supported his choice.
It's natural, allegedly, compete with new ambitious experiences. Its qualities, his knowledge, his enormous human depth will lead him to have great success in everything he will do.

He will be a great coach for sure, because he is a great man. If not, he will be a great coach, however, he will remain a great man (e scusate se è poco di questi tempi…..)

Good luck Dome……..faremo il tifo per TE, whatever you do.

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