Mister Buccolo thanks Permac Vittorio Veneto

After these two years spent within the Rossoblu club, first as a coach of the rookie team and then as a leader of the newly born team at a very young age, that this year has surprised all expectations, mister Domenico Buccolo has chosen to leave the baton in search of a new personal growth.

Before leaving, however, he wanted to leave a thought to the managers, athletes and parents. We therefore report in full a letter that he sent us these days:

When I joined the big family of women's football, I didn't know what to expect and at the same time I didn't want to disappoint who, without knowing me, it gave me the opportunity and the responsibility to coach. I tried to tiptoe among people who, for years, they work with commitment and sacrifice, for their girls, for their city and to keep the name of Vittorio Female football high.
I was given the chance, first with the beginners and then the following year with the very young category, to form a group of girls to teach the values ​​of life first of all, of sport, passing through the technical growth of each of them.
All the girls gave me so many emotions, they taught me a lot and I hope I did the same, because before being a coach you need to be a good educator.
After two fabulous years spent together, I reluctantly decided that the time has come to part our ways. This year I have achieved the goals set at the start, forming and growing a competitive group, in a championship made up of only men's teams and of a very high level; in addition to having completed an entire training course culminating in the UEFA B coaching diploma, achieved through the FIGC technical sector course. Therefore, having seen these results and looking for professional growth, in this area, I made this decision.
I want to thank the Fattorel family for their availability, their trust, their determination, their desire to do and their never giving up; I want to thank the whole company from DG Giovanni Bolzan, al DS Marco Partata che mi ha supportato e sopportato più di chiunque altro e che ha avuto il coraggio di condividere la maggior parte delle mie idee.
To Michela Pastre omnipresent in all games, for logistical and organizational support. To the technical staff, from goalkeeper coach Andrea Bellotto to my collaborator Simone Casagrande, that with their support we were able to technically grow this beautiful group of girls.
I want to thank all the parents, who with their affection were able to recognize the work done.
But above all I want to thank all of you, Girls, for putting up with me in moments of tension, playing down with a simple smile, helping myself to grow first personally and then professionally by making yourself available. Finally I wish you all the greatest happiness hoping to reap, one day, how much beauty you are sowing … and if one day you need your coach he will always be available.
You have taught me that many times it is not just the category, it's not just the result or the place that makes us happy, but to be able to create extra football relationships, create bonds that go beyond everything, something that cannot be taken for granted and that those who have much more experience than me know well.
Also remember to face your future with the smile and carefree you have today and you will see that in difficult moments everything will be easier..
Finally I wish everyone who is part of this family, the maximum of happiness, a future full of satisfaction, remembering that victory is achieved only after hard sacrifices.
Life if accompanied by a healthy sport with principles and values, helps our young people to grow, supporting them in times of difficulty !!!
Mister Domenico Buccolo

The club warmly thanks Domenico Buccolo for all the work done in these two seasons, wishing the best for both his next professional adventure and his life. These are the words of DG GIovanni Bolzan in response to the letter from Mr. Buccolo:

The paths of life are unpredictable (or foreseeable), and facts of departures and arrivals.
Sometimes the departures can be painful, but they still leave constructive experiences. Travel then, they hide unknowns but always offer new stimuli and knowledge.
It was a great pleasure to collaborate with a great person (as well as exemplary professional); it was a great pleasure to share ideas, projects, sensations with Domenico. Person who has always placed the interest of the individual first, the common good, fully embracing the shared project (this feature is essential to be part of a work group or "family").
It is a sad departure. Farewell (goodbye) of a child who leaves home and family, to study elsewhere and conquer the world; with dad, mom and brothers to cry secretly (not to be seen), but happy for his new path of personal and professional growth.
Albeit with extreme bitterness, I immediately shared and supported his choice.
It's natural, allegedly, compete with new ambitious experiences. Its qualities, his knowledge, his enormous human depth will lead him to have great success in everything he will do.
He will be a great coach for sure, because he is a great man. If not, he will be a great coach, however, he will remain a great man (and sorry if it is little these days ... ..)

Good luck Dome …… ..we will cheer for YOU, whatever you do.
John Bolzan

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