Sovilla: “Special match and occasion to confirm ourselves, the approach will make the difference”

A kind of magic. Author of a finely crafted marking in the bombastic seasonal debut of Tose al Barison, Gaia Maria Sovilla has on his side the freshness of 20 age (22 to be precise, made last 7 January) and the wisdom of a veteran, after many seasons of apprenticeship and constant growth between quarry and the rossoblù First Team.

Introduced, for technical-tactical needs, at a quick stage as a point guard added in the heart of the rossoblù midfield, the number 18 he has shown that he knows how to disengage with equal pragmatism in both roles with depth of performance. We hear from her what mood you will breathe in the Vittoria locker room a few hours from the match of the 6th day of the championship on the field of Venice.

Against Le Torri you have put in a rather solid and convincing performance, moreover embellished with your beautiful rebound net from beyond 20 meters.
After the very long forced break it was important to return immediately to collect the three points, we had to restart with great strength and conviction and I would say that last Sunday’s goal was achieved, net of some evidently perfectible aspects. Physical form obviously cannot be that of the best days, for this reason we have been good at channeling the game on the right tracks from the first part of the game. We have only taken a small step and we must not be led astray by easy enthusiasm, but a victory like this in this moment can only do moral. Personally I'm happy to have played a more offensive role and to have found the way to goal. Score a goal it's always nice, making it in good style like last Sunday then gives an even greater sense of satisfaction.I think I can define my performance as positive, even though I had to leave the match after the first 45′ due to some small problems in terms of physical resistance.

Your technical flexibility is proving to be an additional weapon in the tactical quiver of Mr. Massimo Zoni, both in the goal area and further back and away from the goal.
I am happy after so many years in Vittorio Veneto to have the opportunity to find space more often, even with tactical locations different from those I feel most naturally in my strings. Clearly, I am ready to adapt at any time to what the coach asks of me, trying to grow and learn to express myself better, especially in those positions that for me represent a substantial novelty on a tactical level. I want to keep improving to be even more available to the team and the coach, according to every need of the case.

The match against Venezia is historically a game with a special flavor, even if several seasons have passed since the comparisons with very high stakes played in the Cadetta Series.
Against Venice, in fact, it is a derby. I have been in Vittorio for many years now and I know well what the historical confrontation represented, at the time, with Marcon. Certainly tomorrow will be a special match, very heartfelt but also very insidious, against a very good team that is doing pretty well, as evidenced by the position in the standings. Against a gritty team that is not easy to overcome on your own field we will have to be, in turn, even more gritty, convinced and determined. It will be important again to approach the challenge in the best possible way right from the start, aware that we will have to be patient but decided, to give continuity to the good done a 360 degrees in the latter period.

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